VPNaaS - Cisco ASA Firewall


Questa procedura è rivolta ai service provider/partner che vogliono attivare il servizio per se o per i propri clienti.

Di seguito i semplici passaggi di attivazione del servizio VPN su Public Cloud


Per realizzare la VPN occorre avere accesso al Firewall Cisco ASA in modalità "Privileged EXEC"

Guida passo-passo

Configurazione Cisco ASA

ciscoasa> ena Password: ********** ciscoasa# ciscoasa# conf t ciscoasa(config)# ! Inserire la Configurazione !


object network NET_LOCAL subnet  $Local Subnet es: object-group network NET_CLOUD network-object $Remote Subnet es: access-list VPN-CLOUD extended permit ip object NET_LOCAL object-group NET_CLOUD nat (inside,Outside) source static NET_LOCAL NET_LOCAL destination static NET_CLOUD NET_CLOUD no-proxy-arp route-lookup crypto ipsec ikev1 transform-set esp-aes256-sha esp-aes-256 esp-sha-hmac crypto ipsec security-association pmtu-aging infinite crypto ipsec df-bit clear-df Outside crypto map CLOUD_MAP 10 match address VPN-CLOUD crypto map CLOUD_MAP 10 set pfs crypto map CLOUD_MAP 10 set peer $SERVICE_IP IPv4 crypto map CLOUD_MAP 10 set ikev1 transform-set esp-aes256-sha crypto map CLOUD_MAP 10 set security-association lifetime seconds 86400 crypto map CLOUD_MAP interface Outside crypto isakmp identity address crypto ikev1 enable Outside crypto ikev1 policy 10 authentication pre-share encryption aes-256 hash sha group 2 lifetime 86400
tunnel-group $SERVICE_IP type ipsec-l2l tunnel-group $SERVICE_IP ipsec-attributes ikev1 pre-shared-key $PRE_SHARED



$Local Subnet = rete/i locale/i 

$Remote Subnet = rete/i remota/e

$PRE_SHARED = pre-shared key

$SERVICE_IP = ip vpn service public cloud

Configurazione testata con Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software Version 9.1(4)


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